What is the Wings Ministry Program? Wings Logo
Wings is a ministry for family members of inmates. We connect inmates' families to caring Christians, who welcome them into congregations and teach them about Christ's love.

The Wings Party is based on Acts 2:42

"And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

New American Standard Bible

Wings is a focused ministry outreach based on the LOGOS program of LOGOS System Associates, which is a midweek youth and children’s program in over 25 different denominations in thousands of churches across the United States, Canada, parts of Europe, Japan, Russia, and India. Wings is supported by Prison Fellowship and the Light & Liberty Jail Ministry in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Wings volunteers are caring teenagers and adults from LOGOS churches and churches that help with Prison Fellowship's Project Angel Tree, the Light & Liberty Jail Ministry, and/or have a special call to this specialized ministry.

The Wings Party model is similar to a summer church camping program that is fun, active, and gets all members of the congregation involved in youth ministry. The Wings Program model has three parties per year: a Christmas Party that is an extension of Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree Program, an Easter Party, and a Back-to-School Party.

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